

我们将在旅途中参观许多地方, but we settle in for long-term stays in two exciting and beautiful places–北爱尔兰和德国柏林这些人了解深刻的冲突,并在治愈方面取得了巨大的进步. 

我们会去另外两个地方伦敦,英格兰和斯洛伐克——一周到十天, 只要有足够的时间去探索他们所提供的财富, some well known, 有些几乎不为人知.


这将是一种前所未有的学习积极、综合、经验丰富. 每一次活动,每一次相遇, 从参观博物馆到购买杂货, 是学习的机会吗. 

课程完成 七项通识教育要求. 即使你已经或将要在其他课程中完成其中的一些, there are plenty to make this program a great way to make progress with your general education program. 

  • Thinking Globally
  • 阅读想象文学
  • 思考历史
  • 对现实、知识和价值的哲学思考
  • Foreign Language
  • 跨文化交流
  • 体育(一学期)

"Things I've only heard about became living and breathing places and people, 以一种我从未预料到的力量.”

实现通用电气的历史思维 & GE哲学反思


“The classroom extends into the streets, churches, homes, museums, cafes and beyond."

完成GE阅读想象文学 & 通用电气全球思维


“You can learn the art of peacemaking from textbooks but you won't learn how to be a peacemaker until you meet people who are working towards reconciliation in difficult situations with long histories of hurt.” 



"The German Language School homestays were fantastic, and a great way to learn the language."




“我抱过猫头鹰,骑过山地自行车穿越了纳尼亚. 这不仅仅是在国外上学,这是一次冒险.” 

Fulfills PEA credit

Faculty Leaders

Dr. 谢里·拉森·霍克利

Dr. Larsen Hoeckley teaches English, and specializes in Victorian literature and women writers. The influx of global voices, especially female voices, into literature in English in the 19th and 20th Centuries has led her to an increasing interest in global literature. She and Dr. 赫克利共同领导了12个海外学习项目.

Dr. Christian Hoeckley

Dr. Hoeckley directs the 加德文理学院 at Westmont and teaches philosophy. 他对科学哲学和宗教哲学感兴趣, but more recently has turned his attention to exploring the possibility of just warfare in both secular and Christian thought. He and Dr. Larsen Hoeckley共同领导了12个海外学习项目. 

Program Cost

Westmont tuition, standard room and board, and a program fee not to exceed $2500. 你将负责从美国往返的机票费用. 

Students are allowed to apply their financial aid awards from the college—both need-based and merit-based awards—toward the program’s cost.


The program welcomes who will have sophomore-level standing the semester of the program, juniors and seniors. Please note that priority in the selection process will not be determined by class standing.

  • GPA (minimum 2.3绩点(合资格)
  • 申请及论文
  • 个人和教员推荐信


除上述一般资格外, 以下是必须满足的要求, 有或没有合理的住宿, 为了完成该计划的所有基本要素. 所有参与者必须能够:

  • Participate in regular communal meals based on a local diet and with limited control over food choices. In some locations, be prepared to participate in preparing and cleaning up after these meals.
  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces and walk/travel up to 10 miles in a day independently. (Extensive walking, as well as travel throughout ancient cities and towns with narrow passageways and many stairs, 是项目日常生活的一部分吗.)
  • Navigate carrying personal items including suitcase and/or backpack without assistance.
  • Anticipate having sufficient emotional wellness to fully participate in the program safely and successfully despite the limited availability of frequent access to psychological services.
  • Anticipate at least double occupancy accommodations on some if not all locations.
  • Receive the final dose of the Covid-19 vaccine at least two weeks prior to the commencement of the program. 
  • If eligible, receive the most recent Covid-19 vaccine booster at least two weeks prior to departure if it has been at least two months since your last Covid-19 vaccine or booster. 

How to Apply

不再接受申请. For more information about the program, contact Professor Chris Hoeckley at